Here is the piece I created for the Metal Gear Solid V Art show I was apart of in Paris France. In addition to making a print they also made a vinyl cover and a Nintendo cartridge all of which I designed.
This piece is of DD the support buddy you can get in the new MGS game. It is based on "Screaming for Vengeance" by "Judas Priest". I'm a big Metal Head and I felt it was fitting. The name of the album is the main theme of Metal Gear Solid V "Vengeance". Not to mention the album came out close to when the games events take place in the 80's. 80's was also the theme of the show.
unfortunately I wasn't able to go but fans, Konami and the studios curating the show took lots of photos. So I got to live vicariously through them. It's interesting to think my work has traveled way farther than I have.